Donations and Support

Help support Team Prime

The family behind Optimus and Team Prime is currently NOT sponsored by any major company or organization. The owner of Optimus bears the brunt of every expense and cost associated with driving, maintaining, and sharing Optimus Prime.  Keeping him alive, running well, and looking pristine continues to be a struggle. That is why we are grateful to our fanbase for helping support our mission using the options below.

IMMEDIATE REQUEST: we are attempting to expand our bully awareness presentations to schools all over the USA and Canada. We receive inquiries weekly from schools administrators, but most districts do not have the funding to get us there. We are therefore reaching out to our online community ... asking for major funding to help us get our positive message to schools across North America!

Other ways you can support us


While this option does not offer customizable ways for you to donate, we understand several of our fans may prefer using Venmo instead. To get started, click the button below to visit our Venmo business page for JAR Entertainment. There you will see an option to send donations directly.

PREFER WRITING A CHECK? Feel free to mail donations anytime! Address - JAR Entertainment, LLC, PO Box 132 Gilbert, PA 18331

Whether directly or anonymously, we sincerely appreciate each and every donation we receive from our fans. You can rest assured that 100% of anything you donate will be used to help us keep Optimus and Joe on the road to inspire fans of all ages. ROLL OUT!

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